How to Prepare for the New Year

Your 5 Tips and Tricks to Get Ahead in the New Year

Where have the past few years gone? Are you still trying to process them? Well not to surprise you but 2024 is just around the corner! But fret not, I have compiled a small to-do list for you to prepare for the New Year. Continue reading so you’re ready to face the upcoming year head-on and accomplish those goals you’ve always dreamed of.

Reflect on the Past Year and Create a Gratitude List

The Five Minute Journal

The first step to getting ready for the New Year is to reflect on the past year. Reflect on your trials but also your tribulations. Don’t forget to also be gratuitous for the experiences you have. Those will set the mood and vibe for your goals. 

Declutter Your Space

A Clean Space

You know what they say, your mind is shown through your space. Now go through your closet, and remember to donate those gently used clothes. Check your pantry, do you see the pasta or canned food that’s been a little too old there? Desk a little too cluttered with random paperwork? Go through them, shred personal documents, and recycle others.

Digitally Declutter

Digitally Declutter

Now that you cleaned your physical space, you got to clear out digitally. Unsubscribe to those emails that you don’t pay attention to or unnecessarily spend on. Unfollow those who do not provide value to your feed. Right now is the best time to clear out unnecessary digital information. Less information overload will help you align clearly with your goals.

Journal Out Your Achievable Quarterly Goals

Journal Out Your Achievable Goals

Speaking of goals… When the New Year comes around, we come up with resolutions. Resolutions fix a problem but instead of framing it as a problem, frame it as an achievable goal. Now we want to have a yearly goal, but instead, break it down into small achievable goals each quarter. That way, at the end of the year, instead of going back to a list of goals that we could have accomplished, you’ve accomplished smaller, achievable goals!

Build Your Vision Board

Build your vision board! Now, what’s a vision board? A vision board is a collection of photos arranged to manifest your goals or visions. Creating a visual representation helps you reach your goals because seeing it physically in front of you repetitively, it’ll help your mind subconsciously achieve the said vision. Here are some of my vision boards for this upcoming year to share for accountability purposes!

Are you ready?

As the year comes to a close, we all become overwhelmed with the idea that we have to become to set these overachieving goals and expectations for ourselves just because it is the New Year. That’s why through utilizing these tips regularly, you will be ready to head into the New Year with confidence and continue that mindset throughout the year and beyond.

Now… are you ready?


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