How to Manage the Winter Blues

Winter Blues can be a struggle. Here are ways to manage the winter blues.

Now that the holidays are over, sometimes winter hits us a little harder than before. There are some people who struggle with something called the Winter Blues, but the scientific term for it is SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Here are different ways we can manage the winter blues.

Daily Movement

While the winter blues and cold weather makes us want to cuddle up on the couch, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get some daily movement! Whether it’s a pilates YouTube video or heading out to the gym, daily movement will get your blood flowing and you feeling much better. 

Eating Colorful Foods + Vitamin D

Eating colorful foods, such as carrots and spinach, is good for you in the winter, and not to mention, these foods are naturally immune boosting. That’s important for a time that has plenty of colds, cases of flu, and more. Utilizing supplements, such as Vitamin D has been known to help with the winter blues as well.

Investing in a Sun Lamp

Speaking of Vitamin D… Lack of sun affects us and what better way than to have the sun in your own home. They say right when you wake up, sitting in front of a sun lamp for 10-15 minutes boosts your mood. A light box can provide a beneficial effect. 

Spending Time Outdoors

Nothing beats real, natural daylight. So if there’s any opportunity to go outside on a sunny winter day, take it. 

Spending Time with Friends, Family, and Loved Ones

Socializing is always good for your mental health. Make sure to stay in touch with others, even after the holiday festivities. You don’t have to go out, it can be a lowkey movie night or coffee date! But make sure you take the time to spend it with some good company.

Professional Help

While these tips will help you manage the winter blues, if your symptoms are much more intense, please do see your general practitioner for professional medical help. It will get better.

In what ways are you managing the winter blues?


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